cont. page 2. this has yet to be completed, there are other sections as well, just haven’t gotten back to writing more, so for now…

Earliest examples of this corner type, found on creole cottages, were small in scale, with six-over-six lights w/ segmental heads, flanked by fluted pilasters with caps and pediments in the 1820’s, through and into the 1840’s, round headed openings were more common. Another characteristic of the urban cottage is reflected in the overhang, supported by iron bearers, commonly referred to as “abant-ventes”, or later, cut rafter ends supported above the cornice appended to the facade. By the 1840’s, this overhang was incorporated into the roof-line at an angle;. The typical cottage has four openings across the front, usually square headed, and many with transoms above. Early examples always have four casement windows with double doors having light panels above solid panels.

Surrounds were narrow and flush with the facade, or slightly recessed in , on plastered cottages. Facade openings always had shutters. Common were vertical, tongue and groove, bead boards, with several different kinds of inside designs. Shutters were hung with wrought iron strap hinges. Another early shutter had solid panels at the bottom, and fixed louvers above.

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