Bywater Footbridge

Originally uploaded by Infrogmation

surreality in the Bywater in New Orleans
as time stands still for a moment among statues of frogs and a duck swimming
i just love this photograph is why i post it up
it has all the color and spirit of Mardi gras day

Kosmic Frenchmen Purple Face

Originally uploaded by Infrogmation

30 years later the infrogmation keeps me in touch w/ purple on a tuesday,

see this set of extraordinary mardi gras photos from the Bywater and up to the Marigny tuesday, 614400971564/or this one, 611334558292/

Bywater has come a LONG way since i was there! there are artists everywhere, and those urbanpioneers who i guess i didn’t know, who bring downtown New Orleans to life!, now this looks like a lot of fun,

and remember the days the Radiators played saturday nights here,

as i had been on frenchmen street just a few years earlier than when he may have come along , what a small world on flickr and friends i have never met, myself always having been an outsider, now i feel a little like i made a few friends anyway..patience and all day is all you need in New Orleans,

you will meet everyone in town sooner or later……

New Orleans sx70

Originally uploaded by jeff lamb

bb gun warriors escort the Krewe of Kosmic Debris Mardi Gras 1980-82?? one more time/ second line by you.

bb gun warriors escort the Krewe of Kosmic Debris Mardi Gras 1980-82?? one more time/ second line

Originally uploaded by jeff lamb

the Dream Palace 1980, and this for a little more infrogmation, AlanLanghoff…

and what i remember,

the BB gun warriors fought their battles across the lake and up the river all the way to St. Louis,

the Poodles were the pretty twirlers of batons that brought with them the Tumblers, a small group of musicians who knew four songs to bring along the second line marching into the French Quarter, stopping along the way, at places like Molly’s on Decateur, (there were also parade practices in the middle of July, to stay in shape, the tourists never had seen anything like it) and then on into the Vieux Carre , melting away on Bourbon or up to a party on Royal on a balcony. …i don’t know about today, but it still looks like fun

Skeleton Krewe 2009

February 25, 2009

Skeleton Krewe 2009

Originally uploaded by skeletonkrewe

the Skeleton Krewe
just passing by Jackson Square, on Mardi Gras day
making good time down the avenue,
starting way uptown at 6:30 am,

and arriving here in the Vieux Carre, by 10 or 11….
a great krewe, a great group of people

keeping in the tradition of past marching krewe

see more of the Skeleton Krewe here, below…..


Originally uploaded by Karen Apricot New Orleans

the place where
you can let your imagination become you
where you can be your dream

and celebrate life for one brief moment
a most excellent moment on the planet

where feet

can’t fail to tap

to the beat
horns and whistles

do not cease

to sound off

you will know

what it meansĀ  to miss New Orleans!

every fat tuesday morning if you’d left

you wake up and never forget,

thank you Karen Apricot,

xxo jlp


February 24, 2009


Originally uploaded by Karen Apricot New Orleans

the Skeleton Krewe waves at Karen Apricot,
as they pass by on St Charles Ave. friday night,
leading the way for le Krewe d’Etat!

Happy Mardi Gras
Defend New Orleans!!!!!!!!!!!

defend the squandering of heritage, w/ karen apricot ,


Originally uploaded by jeff lamb

mona lisa mardis gras

at the Dream Palace, 1980

w/ the Krewe of Cosmic Debris and the Poodles leading the way,

escorted by the color guard of BB Gun warriors, followed by the band called the
Tumblers, who only knew 4 songs…
mardis gras songs of course, like-
Louis Armstrong’s,
“when the Saints go marching in”!,

then the Krewe of Cosmic Debris
followed by the second line behind, two stepping on parade and into the French Quarter!

Skeleton Krewe

Originally uploaded by skeletonkrewe

Mardi Gras

friday night the Skeleton Krewe marchesĀ  leading down St. Charles Avenue, le Krewe d’Etat,

to see more of the Skeleton Krewe as they march on Friday night,

have a look at this photostream, from this year




to see the whole group, from last year, as the tradition builds and the excitement begins, to do it all again this year!,

to learn more about the Skeleton Krewe, see this website,


Originally uploaded by New Orleans Lady

the New Orleans Lady
photographs the Mardi Gras,
in New Orleans.
Showing all, the energy, celebration and color that is the
Mardi Gras!!!!!!!!

-a city that is on parade along St. Charles Avenue,
for weeks leading up to fat tuesday.
Where the greatest rewards are Beads and trinkets and doubloons.
thrown to the parade watchers outstretched hands from the passing floats.
Throw me some beads mister!
is the chant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but there is also music in the air and dancing in the streets


Originally uploaded by jeff lamb

Mardi Gras!!!!! 1980
today is Mardi Gras!!!!!! in New Orleans

an experience never to be forgotten,
where life is a celebration.

it is Carnival Time!,

al johnson,