Mardi Gras 06 186

January 30, 2010

Mardi Gras 06 186

Originally uploaded by Ben Rauch

gouda minnie
mardis gras
* one of those photos that is all Mardis Gras
not generic
gouda minnie
2006 , this is history and a tale that new orleans did not succumb to the federal flood

who dat

from my new friend Wendy , sharing the spirit on dat facebook

says it well, GEAUX WENDY, thnks from me for dat

an anonymous statement on the state of the who dat nation



WHO DAT? This is New Orleans. A city founded by buccaneers, soldiers, and river rogues. We are the descendants of many nations. We came together to form the Who Dat Nation. We eat alligators, breathe hurricanes, and drink the Mississippi. We can outlast, outrun, and outshout anyone on this earth. Who dat? We dat. You..……. can’t buy dat and you don’t own dat!

originally uploaded by jeff lamb

*Who dat!GEAUX SAINTSnot the nfl,

and no way they going to take where y’at!,

“this is important”, jac currie

A House in Mid-City

Originally uploaded by Editor B

Wow. Just wow. I’m not sure this picture fully captures the beatdown, ramshackle, dilapidated look of this poor old house. It literally stopped me in my tracks when I rode past on my bike. This is in my neighborhood, but I’d never seen it before.

I didn’t talk to any of the immediate neighbors, but I’ve got a suspicion that they’d say it looked pretty much the same before Katrina.


Life in the Flood Zone,

Bridge Over Calm Waters

Originally uploaded by M Styborski

So, I get to the ferry to go into town, and town wasn’t there. At least, the lower half wasn’t. It was surreal, to say the least. These are some shots I took waiting for, and on, the Louis B Porterie.

Midway across. The bridges looked more ominous than usual.Could just be my meds wearing off though!

Mists Of Orleans

Originally uploaded by M Styborski

So, I get to the ferry to go into town, and town wasn’t there. At least, the lower half wasn’t. It was surreal, to say the least. These are some shots I took waiting for, and on, the Louis B Porterie.

I had some time to kill so I wandered down to the water’s edge for a nice panorama shot. Try real hard and you can find the spires of the cathedral.
m. styborski

For Karen and Jeff

January 21, 2010

For Karen and Jeff

Originally uploaded by boxchain

Happy house. I’ve been meaning to shoot this for weeks now. It’s on Burgundy, really needs to be experienced in person, it’s that bright.

Piety 901-2

Originally uploaded by Preservation Resource Center, Advocacy Department


Under consideration for a Demolition by Neglect citation by HDLC

“Demolition by Neglect” refers to the gradual deterioration of a building when routine or major maintenance is not performed. The ordinances which created both Historic District Landmarks Commissions entrust the Commissions with insuring that structures located within the local historic districts and landmarks designated by the Commissions are not allowed to be demolished through the neglect of the owners. A Demolition by Neglect citation issued by the Commission is against the owner of the property for failure to properly maintain the property.

For more on D by N:

Treme Banksy Rat Abides

Originally uploaded by Infrogmation

Treme, New Orleans

Mid-City (filtered)

January 19, 2010

Mid-City (filtered)

Originally uploaded by nolacat

mid city sky from the nolacat


Originally uploaded by anthonyturducken

audubon hotel
st. charles avenue
by anthonyturducken
photographing new orleans
the more i look at his work the more i see the city,
the neighborhoods, the architecture and the signs of life
, and get this
he has been doing this incredible documentary, on his bike.
a contributing member to the the Noahsurvey,