L1110576a by you.


Originally uploaded by jeff and leyla

just because i need a little perspective, this is where i,m at, working on a past life in New orlens presently…..sunday morning
every sunday morning i drive to this corner, and take my 5 min and get a paper,
and then go home and work on new orleans, all the while i am home and a neighbor around the corner has this song to sing, i see him at the market, and find him on you tube.

and he sings this beautiful song, dickie siegal!
its sunday, what can i say?


February 16, 2008


Originally uploaded by jeff lamb

at long last i have at least put a small prtfolio of sx70 Polaroid images together of my time in the vieux carre in the 1980’s, now for sale to those who would collect books of photography,


sx70 moments sx70 moments New Orleans 1980 By Jeffrey Lamb Make a book with Blurb Book Preview

for every copy sold i will give up a dollar to squandered heritage, not much, but something in Defense of New orleans!,


Skeleton Krewe Black & WhiteOriginally uploaded by skeletonkreweMardi Gras tuesday, Feb. 5, 2008.The earliest to occur in 25 years. I remember that one back then, it was cold, and a lot of fun.This year, the SkeletonKrewe makes its way, all the way from uptown somewhere, stopping on St. Charles to see the Zulu parade, and then continue on their way to, and into the French Quarter, finally arriving at Jackson Square, by noon. One more stop to go, onto the r bar, wherever that is? the other side of the quarter. Somewhere near Esplanade, Royal and Kerlerec, (could never say that, can’t spell it w/out checking)


February 5, 2008


Originally uploaded by jeff lamb

Mardi Gras
Fat Tuesday,
a sx70 polaroid from
into the vieux carre
from the dream palace

1000448400_aba912ed7f_otreme by you.


Originally uploaded by jeff lamb

Zeno’s Grocery

A corner store, actually a Shop-residence, in the historic neighborhood known as Treme.

Just lakeside of the Vieux Carre, w/ Armstrong Park on the uptown side of Ramparts street, and the historic public housing projects and the national register St. Louis #1, cemetery in between there and Canal St.. What resources that remain are among the oldest and most valuable w/ in the city, dating back to the earliest days of settlement, 1820-60’s….